Chief of Department: Jack Italiano
1st Assistant Chief: Connor Beach
2nd Assistant Chief: Stephen Fitts
Captain: Ken Gilhuley
1st Lieutenant: Sean Delle
2nd Lieutenant: Jon Lizak
Rescue Captain: Brian Block
Rescue Lieutenant: Dr. Scott Coyne
Fire Police Captain: Thomas Buchta
Fire Police Lieutenant: Tim Riehl
President: Jim Felton Jr.
Vice President: Andrew Spina
Secretary: Devon Linden
Treasurer: Chuck Klinkenberg
William Tremblay Sr.
Jim Walkin
Kevin O'Brien
Pete Como
Brian Sweeney
Fun Facts
We run both Fire and Rescue services. This means our department responds to both Fire calls and Medical calls. Some departments are Fire only or Rescue only.
Yearly, we respond to over 500 emergencies.
Our department has about 60 active members. The age group spans from 17-80 years of age.
We employ one full-time Paramedic and one full-time dispatcher who are both on call 24/7.
The rest of our first responders are all volunteers, giving up their valuable time to show up and assist the citizens of Cold Spring Harbor in the event of an emergency.
***Our volunteers use Blue Lights in their personal vehicles when responding to an emergency. If you see Blue Lights in your rear view mirror - please be courteous and pull to the side so our responders can arrive to the scene as quickly and safely as possible!
We preserve the community's first fire house for future generations to learn about and salute the generations of residents who have been and continue to be a "volunteer."
Check out our Historic Fire Museum here: